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[git] Change the commit message The following commands are used to change the commit message that's already pushed. git commit --amend -m "message" git push -f You need to check if the branch is a protected branch in gitlab. It will not work if it's a protected branch.
App for Corona Virus Status The Novel Corona Virus is rapidly being spread to all over the world. You can download the app via the following link on Google Play Store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.arumcomm.coronavirusstatus You can confirm how many people are infected with it for each country. The following information is also provided for each country. 1. How many people are confirmed 2. How many peop..
[iOS] 숫자 (int)에 쉼표 (comma) 넣기 숫자에 쉼표 (comma)를 넣고 싶은 경우 아래와 같은 코드를 구현하면 된다. 사용법 NSString result = [StringUtils getInsertedCommaString:123456789]; 결과값 123,456,789 + (NSString *)getInsertedCommaString:(int)intValue { NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle]; return [formatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithInt:intValue]]; }
[iOS] The app delegate must implement the window property if it wants to use a main storyboard file. 문제 해결 방법 아래 코드를 AppDelegate.h에 정의해준다. @property (strong, nonatomic) UIWindow *window;
[iOS] 앱 이름 변경 iOS 앱의 앱 이름 변경은 다음 경로에서 가능합니다. TARGETS > General Identity > Display Name
[iOS] iOS 13에서 dark mode 미지원 iOS 13에서 도입된 dark mode를 적용하지 않으면 화면이 이상하게 나오는 문제가 있다. Dark mode를 지원하지 않으려면 Info.plist에서 다음을 적용한다. UIUserInterfaceStyle Light
[Android] Register an Android app on Opera Mobile Store I'm introducing a 3rd party app store called 'Opera Mobile Store' for Android. http://apps.opera.com/ HTML5 Games and Apps - Opera Mobile Store html5.oms.apps.bemobi.com Opera Mobile Store provides service for Android, Blackberry, iOS, HTML 5, Symbian, Windows phone and Windows Mobile. It's possible to create an account for developers with the following link. A email is received with password on..
[Android] The color "xxx" in values has no declaration in the base values folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier less... This error occurs usally when a project is copied. The solution is simple as follows. 1. Build > Clean Project 2. File > Invalidate Caches / Restart You can confirm the project is working fine after restarting Android Studio.