[Android] Register an Android app on Opera Mobile Store
I'm introducing a 3rd party app store called 'Opera Mobile Store' for Android.
Opera Mobile Store provides service for Android, Blackberry, iOS, HTML 5, Symbian, Windows phone and Windows Mobile.
It's possible to create an account for developers with the following link. A email is received with password on registration.
Input information for your company in the Company Details tab after login.
You can add an application via 'Add Product' in the Manage Products menu.
Input the following information.
- Title
- Short Description
- Full Description
- Keywords
- Images (Screenshots)
- Thumbnail (App icon)
- Version
- Category
- Age rating
- Type
Upload a binary for the application with the following information.
- Platform
- Installer type
- Version
- Languages
- APK file
The process for application registration is done by clicking the Finish button to request approval.
The request took several hours after the request.